Interface AliasableExpression<T>

An expression with an as method.

Type Parameters

  • T


Implemented by




  • get expressionType(): undefined | T
  • All expressions need to have this getter for complicated type-related reasons. Simply add this getter for your expression and always return undefined from it:

    class SomeExpression<T> implements Expression<T> {
    get expressionType(): Tundefined {
    return undefined

    The getter is needed to make the expression assignable to another expression only if the types T are assignable. Without this property (or some other property that references T), you could assing Expression<string> to Expression<number>.

    Returns undefined | T


  • Returns an aliased version of the expression.

    In addition to slapping as "the_alias" at the end of the expression, this method also provides strict typing:

    const result = await db
    .select((eb) =>
    // `eb.fn<string>` returns an AliasableExpression<string>
    eb.fn<string>('concat', ['first_name' eb.val(' '), 'last_name']).as('full_name')

    // `full_name: string` field exists in the result type.

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    concat("first_name", $1, "last_name") as "full_name"

    You can also pass in a raw SQL snippet (or any expression) but in that case you must provide the alias as the only type argument:

    const values = sql<{ a: number, b: string }>`(values (1, 'foo'))`

    // The alias is `t(a, b)` which specifies the column names
    // in addition to the table name. We must tell kysely that
    // columns of the table can be referenced through `t`
    // by providing an explicit type argument.
    const aliasedValues =<'t'>(sql`t(a, b)`)

    await db
    .columns(['first_name', 'last_name'])
    db.selectFrom(aliasedValues).select(['t.a', 't.b'])

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    insert into "person" ("first_name", "last_name")
    from (values (1, 'foo')) as t(a, b)
    select "t"."a", "t"."b"

    Type Parameters

    • A extends string


    • alias: A

    Returns AliasedExpression<T, A>

  • Type Parameters

    • A extends string


    Returns AliasedExpression<T, A>

  • Creates the OperationNode that describes how to compile this expression into SQL.

    If you are creating a custom expression, it's often easiest to use the sql template tag to build the node:

    class SomeExpression<T> implements Expression<T> {
    toOperationNode(): OperationNode {
    return sql`some sql here`.toOperationNode()

    Returns OperationNode

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