Interface SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

Type Parameters

  • DB

  • TB extends keyof DB

  • O



  • get expressionType(): undefined | T
  • All expressions need to have this getter for complicated type-related reasons. Simply add this getter for your expression and always return undefined from it:

    class SomeExpression<T> implements Expression<T> {
    get expressionType(): Tundefined {
    return undefined

    The getter is needed to make the expression assignable to another expression only if the types T are assignable. Without this property (or some other property that references T), you could assing Expression<string> to Expression<number>.

    Returns undefined | T


  • Changes the output type from an object to a tuple.

    This doesn't affect the generated SQL in any way. This function is just a necessary evil when you need to convert a query's output record type to a tuple type. Typescript doesn't currently offer tools to do this automatically (without insane hackery).

    The returned object can no longer be executed. It can only be used as a subquery.


    const result = await db
    .where(({ eb, refTuple, selectFrom }) => eb(
    refTuple('first_name', 'last_name'),
    .select(['name', 'species'])
    .where('pet.species', '!=', 'cat')
    .$asTuple('name', 'species')

    The generated SQL(PostgreSQL):

    ("first_name", "last_name")
    select "name", "species"
    from "pet"
    where "pet"."species" != $1

    Type Parameters

    • K1 extends string | number | symbol

    • K2 extends string | number | symbol


    • key1: K1
    • key2: K2

    Returns keyof O extends K1 | K2
        ? ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, [O[K1], O[K2]]>
        : KyselyTypeError<"$asTuple() call failed: All selected columns must be provided as arguments">

  • Type Parameters

    • K1 extends string | number | symbol

    • K2 extends string | number | symbol

    • K3 extends string | number | symbol


    • key1: K1
    • key2: K2
    • key3: K3

    Returns keyof O extends K1 | K2 | K3
        ? ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, [O[K1], O[K2], O[K3]]>
        : KyselyTypeError<"$asTuple() call failed: All selected columns must be provided as arguments">

  • Type Parameters

    • K1 extends string | number | symbol

    • K2 extends string | number | symbol

    • K3 extends string | number | symbol

    • K4 extends string | number | symbol


    • key1: K1
    • key2: K2
    • key3: K3
    • key4: K4

    Returns keyof O extends K1 | K2 | K3 | K4
        ? ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, [O[K1], O[K2], O[K3], O[K4]]>
        : KyselyTypeError<"$asTuple() call failed: All selected columns must be provided as arguments">

  • Type Parameters

    • K1 extends string | number | symbol

    • K2 extends string | number | symbol

    • K3 extends string | number | symbol

    • K4 extends string | number | symbol

    • K5 extends string | number | symbol


    • key1: K1
    • key2: K2
    • key3: K3
    • key4: K4
    • key5: K5

    Returns keyof O extends K1 | K2 | K3 | K4 | K5
        ? ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, [O[K1], O[K2], O[K3], O[K4], O[K5]]>
        : KyselyTypeError<"$asTuple() call failed: All selected columns must be provided as arguments">

  • Asserts that query's output row type equals the given type T.

    This method can be used to simplify excessively complex types to make typescript happy and much faster.

    Kysely uses complex type magic to achieve its type safety. This complexity is sometimes too much for typescript and you get errors like this:

    error TS2589: Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite.

    In these case you can often use this method to help typescript a little bit. When you use this method to assert the output type of a query, Kysely can drop the complex output type that consists of multiple nested helper types and replace it with the simple asserted type.

    Using this method doesn't reduce type safety at all. You have to pass in a type that is structurally equal to the current type.


    const result = await db
    .with('first_and_last', (qb) => qb
    .select(['first_name', 'last_name'])
    .$assertType<{ first_name: string, last_name: string }>()
    .with('age', (qb) => qb
    .$assertType<{ age: number }>()
    .selectFrom(['first_and_last', 'age'])

    Type Parameters

    • T

    Returns O extends T
        ? SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, T>
        : KyselyTypeError<"$assertType() call failed: The type passed in is not equal to the output type of the query.">

  • Simply calls the provided function passing this as the only argument. $call returns what the provided function returns.

    If you want to conditionally call a method on this, see the $if method.


    The next example uses a helper function log to log a query:

    function log<T extends Compilable>(qb: T): T {
    return qb


    Type Parameters

    • T


    Returns T

  • Call func(this) if condition is true.

    NOTE: This method has an impact on typescript performance and it should only be used when necessary. Remember that you can call most methods like where conditionally like this:

    let query = db.selectFrom('person').selectAll()

    if (firstName) {
    query = query.where('first_name', '=', firstName)

    if (lastName) {
    query = query.where('last_name', '=', lastName)

    const result = await query.execute()

    This method is mainly useful with optional selects. Any select or selectAll method called inside the callback add optional fields to the result type. This is because we can't know if those selections were actually made before running the code.

    Also see this recipe


    async function getPerson(id: number, withLastName: boolean) {
    return await db
    .select(['id', 'first_name'])
    .$if(withLastName, (qb) =>'last_name'))
    .where('id', '=', id)

    Any selections added inside the if callback will be added as optional fields to the output type since we can't know if the selections were actually made before running the code. In the example above the return type of the getPerson function is:

    id: number
    first_name: string
    last_name?: string

    You can also call any other methods inside the callback:

    .$if(filterByFirstName, (qb) => qb.where('first_name', '=', firstName))
    .$if(filterByPetCount, (qb) => qb
    .innerJoin('pet', 'pet.owner_id', '')
    .having((eb) => eb.fn.count(''), '>', petCountLimit)

    Type Parameters

    • O2


    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O & Partial<Omit<O2, keyof O>>>

  • Narrows (parts of) the output type of the query.

    Kysely tries to be as type-safe as possible, but in some cases we have to make compromises for better maintainability and compilation performance. At present, Kysely doesn't narrow the output type of the query when using where, having or JoinQueryBuilder.on.

    This utility method is very useful for these situations, as it removes unncessary runtime assertion/guard code. Its input type is limited to the output type of the query, so you can't add a column that doesn't exist, or change a column's type to something that doesn't exist in its union type.


    Turn this code:

    const person = await db.selectFrom('person')
    .where('nullable_column', 'is not', null)

    if (person.nullable_column) {

    Into this:

    const person = await db.selectFrom('person')
    .where('nullable_column', 'is not', null)
    .$narrowType<{ nullable_column: string }>()


    Giving the explicit narrowed type (string in the example above) works fine for simple types. If the type is complex, for example a JSON column or a subquery, you can use the special NotNull type to make the column not null.

    import { NotNull } from 'kysely'

    const person = await db.selectFrom('person')
    .where('nullable_column', 'is not', null)
    .$narrowType<{ nullable_column: NotNull }>()


    Type Parameters

    • T

    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, NarrowPartial<O, T>>

  • Gives an alias for the query. This method is only useful for sub queries.


    const pets = await db.selectFrom('pet')
    (qb) => qb.selectFrom('person')
    .whereRef('pet.owner_id', '=', '')


    Type Parameters

    • A extends string


    • alias: A

    Returns AliasedSelectQueryBuilder<O, A>

  • Adds distinct on expressions to the select clause.


    const persons = await db.selectFrom('person')
    .innerJoin('pet', 'pet.owner_id', '')
    .where('', '=', 'Doggo')

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select distinct on ("person"."id") "person".*
    from "person"
    inner join "pet" on "pet"."owner_id" = "person"."id"
    where "pet"."name" = $1

    Type Parameters

    • RE extends string | Expression<any> | DynamicReferenceBuilder<any> | SelectQueryBuilderExpression<Record<string, any>> | OperandExpressionFactory<DB, TB, any>


    • selections: readonly RE[]

    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

  • Type Parameters

    • RE extends string | Expression<any> | DynamicReferenceBuilder<any> | SelectQueryBuilderExpression<Record<string, any>> | OperandExpressionFactory<DB, TB, any>


    • selection: RE

    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

  • Combines another select query or raw expression to this query using except.

    The output row type of the combined query must match this query.


    .select(['id', 'first_name as name'])
    .except(db.selectFrom('pet').select(['id', 'name']))

    You can provide a callback to get an expression builder. In the following example, this allows us to wrap the query in parentheses:

    .select(['id', 'first_name as name'])
    .except((eb) => eb.parens(
    eb.selectFrom('pet').select(['id', 'name'])

    Type Parameters

    • E extends SetOperandExpression<DB, O>


    • expression: E

    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

  • Combines another select query or raw expression to this query using except all.

    The output row type of the combined query must match this query.


    .select(['id', 'first_name as name'])
    .exceptAll(db.selectFrom('pet').select(['id', 'name']))

    You can provide a callback to get an expression builder. In the following example, this allows us to wrap the query in parentheses:

    .select(['id', 'first_name as name'])
    .exceptAll((eb) => eb.parens(
    eb.selectFrom('pet').select(['id', 'name'])

    Type Parameters

    • E extends SetOperandExpression<DB, O>


    • expression: E

    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

  • Executes query with explain statement before the main query.

    const explained = await db
    .where('gender', '=', 'female')

    The generated SQL (MySQL):

    explain format=json select * from `person` where `gender` = ?

    You can also execute explain analyze statements.

    import { sql } from 'kysely'

    const explained = await db
    .where('gender', '=', 'female')
    .explain('json', sql`analyze`)

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    explain (analyze, format json) select * from "person" where "gender" = $1

    Type Parameters

    • ER extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>


    Returns Promise<ER[]>

  • Adds a fetch clause to the query.

    This clause is only supported by some dialects like PostgreSQL or MS SQL Server.


    return await db

    The generated SQL (MS SQL Server):

    select "first_name"
    from "person"
    order by "first_name"
    offset 0 rows
    fetch next 10 rows only


    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

  • Adds a group by clause to the query.


    importsql } from 'kysely'

    await db

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select "first_name", max(id)
    from "person"
    group by "first_name"

    groupBy also accepts an array:

    importsql } from 'kysely'

    await db

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select "first_name", "last_name", max(id)
    from "person"
    group by "first_name", "last_name"

    The group by expressions can also be subqueries or raw sql expressions:

    import { sql } from 'kysely'

    await db
    sql`concat(first_name, last_name)`,
    (qb) => qb.selectFrom('pet').select('id').limit(1)

    dynamic.ref can be used to refer to columns not known at compile time:

    async function someQuery(groupBy: string) {
    const { ref } = db.dynamic

    return await db


    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select "first_name"
    from "person"
    group by "first_name"

    Type Parameters

    • GE extends string | Expression<any> | DynamicReferenceBuilder<any> | SelectQueryBuilderExpression<Record<string, any>> | OperandExpressionFactory<DB, TB, any> | readonly GroupByExpression<DB, TB, O>[] | ((eb) => readonly GroupByExpression<DB, TB, O>[])


    • groupBy: GE

    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

  • Joins another table to the query using an inner join.


    Simple inner joins can be done by providing a table name and two columns to join:

    const result = await db
    .innerJoin('pet', 'pet.owner_id', '')
    // `select` needs to come after the call to `innerJoin` so
    // that you can select from the joined table.
    .select(['', ' as pet_name'])

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select "person"."id", "pet"."name" as "pet_name"
    from "person"
    inner join "pet"
    on "pet"."owner_id" = "person"."id"

    You can give an alias for the joined table like this:

    await db.selectFrom('person')
    .innerJoin('pet as p', 'p.owner_id', '')
    .where('', '=', 'Doggo')

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select *
    from "person"
    inner join "pet" as "p"
    on "p"."owner_id" = "person"."id"
    where "p".name" = $1

    You can provide a function as the second argument to get a join builder for creating more complex joins. The join builder has a bunch of on* methods for building the on clause of the join. There's basically an equivalent for every where method (on, onRef etc.).

    You can do all the same things with the on method that you can with the corresponding where method (like OR expressions for example). See the where method documentation for more examples.

    await db.selectFrom('person')
    (join) => join
    .onRef('pet.owner_id', '=', '')
    .on('', '=', 'Doggo')
    .on((eb) => eb.or([eb("person.age", ">", 18), eb("person.age", "<", 100)]))

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select *
    from "person"
    inner join "pet"
    on "pet"."owner_id" = "person"."id"
    and "pet"."name" = $1

    You can join a subquery by providing two callbacks:

    const result = await db.selectFrom('person')
    (eb) => eb
    .select(['owner_id as owner', 'name'])
    .where('name', '=', 'Doggo')
    (join) => join
    .onRef('doggos.owner', '=', ''),

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select "doggos".*
    from "person"
    inner join (
    select "owner_id" as "owner", "name"
    from "pet"
    where "name" = $1
    ) as "doggos"
    on "doggos"."owner" = "person"."id"

    Type Parameters

    • TE extends string | AliasedExpression<any, any> | AliasedExpressionFactory<DB, TB>

    • K1 extends string

    • K2 extends string


    • table: TE
    • k1: K1
    • k2: K2

    Returns SelectQueryBuilderWithInnerJoin<DB, TB, O, TE>

  • Type Parameters


    • table: TE
    • callback: FN

    Returns SelectQueryBuilderWithInnerJoin<DB, TB, O, TE>

  • Combines another select query or raw expression to this query using intersect.

    The output row type of the combined query must match this query.


    .select(['id', 'first_name as name'])
    .intersect(db.selectFrom('pet').select(['id', 'name']))

    You can provide a callback to get an expression builder. In the following example, this allows us to wrap the query in parentheses:

    .select(['id', 'first_name as name'])
    .intersect((eb) => eb.parens(
    eb.selectFrom('pet').select(['id', 'name'])

    Type Parameters

    • E extends SetOperandExpression<DB, O>


    • expression: E

    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

  • Combines another select query or raw expression to this query using intersect all.

    The output row type of the combined query must match this query.


    .select(['id', 'first_name as name'])
    .intersectAll(db.selectFrom('pet').select(['id', 'name']))

    You can provide a callback to get an expression builder. In the following example, this allows us to wrap the query in parentheses:

    .select(['id', 'first_name as name'])
    .intersectAll((eb) => eb.parens(
    eb.selectFrom('pet').select(['id', 'name'])

    Type Parameters

    • E extends SetOperandExpression<DB, O>


    • expression: E

    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

  • Adds a limit clause to the query.


    Select the first 10 rows of the result:

    return await db

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select "first_name" from "person" limit $1

    Select rows from index 10 to index 19 of the result:

    return await db

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select "first_name" from "person" limit $1 offset $2


    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

  • Adds an order by clause to the query.

    orderBy calls are additive. Meaning, additional orderBy calls append to the existing order by clause.

    In a single call you can add a single column/expression or multiple columns/expressions.

    Single column/expression calls can have 1-2 arguments. The first argument is the expression to order by (optionally including the direction) while the second optional argument is the direction (asc or desc).


    Single column/expression per call:

    await db
    .select('person.first_name as fn')
    .orderBy('fn desc')
    await db
    .select('person.first_name as fn')
    .orderBy('fn', 'desc')

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select "person"."first_name" as "fn"
    from "person"
    order by "id" asc, "fn" desc

    Multiple columns/expressions per call:

    await db
    .select('person.first_name as fn')
    .orderBy(['id', 'fn desc'])

    The order by expression can also be a raw sql expression or a subquery in addition to column references:

    importsql } from 'kysely'

    await db
    .orderBy((eb) => eb.selectFrom('pet')
    .whereRef('pet.owner_id', '=', '')
    sql`concat(first_name, last_name)`

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select *
    from "person"
    order by
    ( select "pet"."name"
    from "pet"
    where "pet"."owner_id" = "person"."id"
    limit 1
    ) asc,
    concat(first_name, last_name) asc

    dynamic.ref can be used to refer to columns not known at compile time:

    async function someQuery(orderBy: string) {
    const { ref } = db.dynamic

    return await db
    .select('person.first_name as fn')


    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select "person"."first_name" as "fn"
    from "person"
    order by "fn" asc

    Type Parameters

    • OE extends string | Expression<any> | DynamicReferenceBuilder<any> | SelectQueryBuilderExpression<Record<string, any>> | OperandExpressionFactory<DB, TB, any>


    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

  • Type Parameters

    • OE extends `${string} desc` | `${string} asc` | `${string}.${string} desc` | `${string}.${string} asc`


    • ref: OE

    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

  • Type Parameters

    • OE extends string | Expression<any> | DynamicReferenceBuilder<any> | SelectQueryBuilderExpression<Record<string, any>> | OperandExpressionFactory<DB, TB, any>


    • refs: readonly OE[]

    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

  • Adds a select statement to the query.

    When a column (or any expression) is selected, Kysely adds its type to the return type of the query. Kysely is smart enough to parse the selection names and types from aliased columns, subqueries, raw expressions etc.

    Kysely only allows you to select columns and expressions that exist and would produce valid SQL. However, Kysely is not perfect and there may be cases where the type inference doesn't work and you need to override it. You can always use the dynamic module and the sql tag to override the types.

    Select calls are additive. Calling select('id').select('first_name') is the same as calling select(['id', 'first_name']).

    To select all columns of the query or specific tables see the selectAll method.

    See the $if method if you are looking for a way to add selections based on a runtime condition.


    Select a single column:

    const persons = await db
    .where('first_name', '=', 'Arnold')

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select "id" from "person" where "first_name" = $1

    Select a single column and specify a table:

    const persons = await db
    .selectFrom(['person', 'pet'])

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select "person"."id" from "person", "pet"

    Select multiple columns:

    const persons = await db
    .select(['', 'first_name'])

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select "person"."id", "first_name" from "person"

    You can give an alias for selections and tables by appending as the_alias to the name:

    const persons = await db
    .selectFrom('person as p')
    'first_name as fn',
    'p.last_name as ln'

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    "first_name" as "fn",
    "p"."last_name" as "ln"
    from "person" as "p"

    You can select arbitrary expression including subqueries and raw sql snippets. When you do that, you need to give a name for the selections using the as method:

    import { sql } from 'kysely'

    const persons = await db.selectFrom('person')
    .select(({ eb, selectFrom, or }) => [
    // Select a correlated subquery
    .whereRef('', '=', 'pet.owner_id')

    // Build and select an expression using
    // the expression builder
    eb('first_name', '=', 'Jennifer'),
    eb('first_name', '=', 'Arnold')

    // Select a raw sql expression
    sql<string>`concat(first_name, ' ', last_name)`.as('full_name')

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select "pet"."name"
    from "pet"
    where "person"."id" = "pet"."owner_id"
    order by "pet"."name"
    limit $1
    ) as "pet_name",
    ("first_name" = $2 or "first_name" = $3) as "jennifer_or_arnold",
    concat(first_name, ' ', last_name) as "full_name"
    from "person"

    In case you use the sql tag you need to specify the type of the expression (in this example string).

    All the examples above assume you know the column names at compile time. While it's better to build your code like that (that way you also know the types) sometimes it's not possible or you just prefer to write more dynamic code.

    In this example, we use the dynamic module's methods to add selections dynamically:

    const { ref } = db.dynamic

    // Some column name provided by the user. Value not known at compile time.
    const columnFromUserInput =;

    // A type that lists all possible values `columnFromUserInput` can have.
    // You can use `keyof Person` if any column of an interface is allowed.
    type PossibleColumns = 'last_name' | 'first_name' | 'birth_date'

    const spersons = await db

    // The resulting type contains all `PossibleColumns` as optional fields
    // because we cannot know which field was actually selected before
    // running the code.
    const lastName: string | undefined = persons[0].last_name
    const firstName: string | undefined = persons[0].first_name
    const birthDate: string | undefined = persons[0].birth_date

    // The result type also contains the compile time selection `id`.

    Type Parameters

    • SE extends string | AliasedExpression<any, any> | DynamicReferenceBuilder<any> | AliasedExpressionFactory<DB, TB>


    • selections: readonly SE[]

    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O & Selection<DB, TB, SE>>

  • Type Parameters


    • callback: CB

    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O & CallbackSelection<DB, TB, CB>>

  • Type Parameters

    • SE extends string | AliasedExpression<any, any> | DynamicReferenceBuilder<any> | AliasedExpressionFactory<DB, TB>


    • selection: SE

    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O & Selection<DB, TB, SE>>

  • Executes the query and streams the rows.

    The optional argument chunkSize defines how many rows to fetch from the database at a time. It only affects some dialects like PostgreSQL that support it.


    const stream = db.
    .select(['first_name', 'last_name'])
    .where('gender', '=', 'other')

    for await (const person of stream) {

    if (person.last_name === 'Something') {
    // Breaking or returning before the stream has ended will release
    // the database connection and invalidate the stream.


    • Optional chunkSize: number

    Returns AsyncIterableIterator<O>

  • Adds a top clause to the query.

    This clause is only supported by some dialects like MS SQL Server.


    Select 10 biggest ages:

    return await db
    .orderBy('age desc')

    The generated SQL (MS SQL Server):

    select top(10) "age" from "person" order by "age" desc

    Select 10% first rows:

    return await db
    .top(10, 'percent')

    The generated SQL (MS SQL Server):

    select top(10) percent * from "person"


    • expression: number | bigint
    • Optional modifiers: TopModifier

    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

  • Combines another select query or raw expression to this query using union.

    The output row type of the combined query must match this query.


    .select(['id', 'first_name as name'])
    .union(db.selectFrom('pet').select(['id', 'name']))

    You can provide a callback to get an expression builder. In the following example, this allows us to wrap the query in parentheses:

    .select(['id', 'first_name as name'])
    .union((eb) => eb.parens(
    eb.selectFrom('pet').select(['id', 'name'])

    Type Parameters

    • E extends SetOperandExpression<DB, O>


    • expression: E

    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

  • Combines another select query or raw expression to this query using union all.

    The output row type of the combined query must match this query.


    .select(['id', 'first_name as name'])
    .unionAll(db.selectFrom('pet').select(['id', 'name']))

    You can provide a callback to get an expression builder. In the following example, this allows us to wrap the query in parentheses:

    .select(['id', 'first_name as name'])
    .unionAll((eb) => eb.parens(
    eb.selectFrom('pet').select(['id', 'name'])

    Type Parameters

    • E extends SetOperandExpression<DB, O>


    • expression: E

    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

  • Adds a where expression to the query.

    Calling this method multiple times will combine the expressions using and.

    Also see whereRef


    where method calls are combined with AND:

    const person = await db
    .where('first_name', '=', 'Jennifer')
    .where('age', '>', 40)

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select * from "person" where "first_name" = $1 and "age" > $2

    Operator can be any supported operator or if the typings don't support it you can always use:

    sql`your operator`

    Find multiple items using a list of identifiers:

    const persons = await db
    .where('id', 'in', ['1', '2', '3'])

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select * from "person" where "id" in ($1, $2, $3)

    You can use the and function to create a simple equality filter using an object

    const persons = await db
    .where((eb) => eb.and({
    first_name: 'Jennifer',
    last_name: eb.ref('first_name')

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select *
    from "person"
    where (
    "first_name" = $1
    and "last_name" = "first_name"

    To combine conditions using OR, you can use the expression builder. There are two ways to create OR expressions. Both are shown in this example:

    const persons = await db
    // 1. Using the `or` method on the expression builder:
    .where((eb) => eb.or([
    eb('first_name', '=', 'Jennifer'),
    eb('first_name', '=', 'Sylvester')
    // 2. Chaining expressions using the `or` method on the
    // created expressions:
    .where((eb) =>
    eb('last_name', '=', 'Aniston').or('last_name', '=', 'Stallone')

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select *
    from "person"
    where (
    ("first_name" = $1 or "first_name" = $2)
    ("last_name" = $3 or "last_name" = $4)

    You can add expressions conditionally like this:

    import { Expression, SqlBool } from 'kysely'

    const firstName: string | undefined = 'Jennifer'
    const lastName: string | undefined = 'Aniston'
    const under18 = true
    const over60 = true

    let query = db

    if (firstName) {
    // The query builder is immutable. Remember to reassign
    // the result back to the query variable.
    query = query.where('first_name', '=', firstName)

    if (lastName) {
    query = query.where('last_name', '=', lastName)

    if (under18 || over60) {
    // Conditional OR expressions can be added like this.
    query = query.where((eb) => {
    const ors: Expression<SqlBool>[] = []

    if (under18) {
    ors.push(eb('age', '<', 18))

    if (over60) {
    ors.push(eb('age', '>', 60))

    return eb.or(ors)

    const persons = await query.execute()

    Both the first and third argument can also be arbitrary expressions like subqueries. An expression can defined by passing a function and calling the methods of the ExpressionBuilder passed to the callback:

    const persons = await db
    (qb) => qb.selectFrom('pet')
    .whereRef('pet.owner_id', '=', '')

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select *
    from "person"
    where (
    select "pet"."name"
    from "pet"
    where "pet"."owner_id" = "person"."id"
    limit $1
    ) = $2

    A where in query can be built by using the in operator and an array of values. The values in the array can also be expressions:

    const persons = await db
    .where('', 'in', [100, 200, 300])

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select * from "person" where "id" in ($1, $2, $3)

    For complex where expressions you can pass in a single callback and use the ExpressionBuilder to build your expression:

    const firstName = 'Jennifer'
    const maxAge = 60

    const persons = await db
    .where(({ eb, or, and, not, exists, selectFrom }) => and([
    eb('first_name', '=', firstName),
    eb('age', '<', maxAge)
    .whereRef('pet.owner_id', '=', '')

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select "person".*
    from "person"
    where (
    "first_name" = $1
    or "age" < $2
    and not exists (
    select "pet"."id" from "pet" where "pet"."owner_id" = "person"."id"

    If everything else fails, you can always use the sql tag as any of the arguments, including the operator:

    importsql } from 'kysely'

    const persons = await db
    sql`coalesce(first_name, last_name)`,
    '%' + name + '%',

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select * from "person"
    where coalesce(first_name, last_name) like $1

    In all examples above the columns were known at compile time (except for the raw sql expressions). By default kysely only allows you to refer to columns that exist in the database and can be referred to in the current query and context.

    Sometimes you may want to refer to columns that come from the user input and thus are not available at compile time.

    You have two options, the sql tag or db.dynamic. The example below uses both:

    importsql } from 'kysely'
    const { ref } = db.dynamic

    const persons = await db
    .where(ref(columnFromUserInput), '=', 1)
    .where(, '=', 2)

    Type Parameters

    • RE extends string | Expression<any> | DynamicReferenceBuilder<any> | SelectQueryBuilderExpression<Record<string, any>> | OperandExpressionFactory<DB, TB, any>

    • VE extends any


    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

  • Type Parameters


    • expression: E

    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

  • Adds a where clause where both sides of the operator are references to columns.

    The normal where method treats the right hand side argument as a value by default. whereRef treats it as a column reference. This method is expecially useful with joins and correlated subqueries.


    Usage with a join:

    db.selectFrom(['person', 'pet'])
    .whereRef('person.first_name', '=', '')

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select * from "person", "pet" where "person"."first_name" = "pet"."name"

    Usage in a subquery:

    const persons = await db
    .select((eb) => eb
    .whereRef('pet.owner_id', '=', '')

    The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

    select "person".*, (
    select "name"
    from "pet"
    where "pet"."owner_id" = "person"."id"
    limit $1
    ) as "pet_name"
    from "person"

    Type Parameters

    • LRE extends string | Expression<any> | DynamicReferenceBuilder<any> | SelectQueryBuilderExpression<Record<string, any>> | OperandExpressionFactory<DB, TB, any>

    • RRE extends string | Expression<any> | DynamicReferenceBuilder<any> | SelectQueryBuilderExpression<Record<string, any>> | OperandExpressionFactory<DB, TB, any>


    Returns SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB, O>

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